VR development

How to Start Your Own Career in Virtual Reality



There’s no denying that virtual reality technology, more commonly referred to as VR, is one of the most promising technologies out there, and it’s taking the world by storm. From the gaming and entertainment industry to 3D modeling and social networking, VR is finding its way into every market. And, there’s no sign of it slowing down.

With this in mind, you may be thinking that a secure and financially rewarding job and career could be found in this industry – and you’d be right. But first, you need to figure out where to start. In today’s guide, we’re going to detail everything you need to know.

What Jobs Are Actually Out There?

There are simply a ton of jobs out there when it comes to this kind of technology, especially since it’s still in the growing phase, and there’s a lot of room for experimentation and innovation.

On the customer-focused side, there’s a wealth of jobs from content producers and engineers to graphic designers and coders who will actually create the apps and the assets used in the apps that customers will use when wearing their VR headsets. This is then backed by software coders and content writers etc.

You will also have people who will need to test applications and optimize certain aspects of them, such as UI and UX designers, and quality assurance and control people. If you’re into the hardware of the devices, there will be people who need to design the casing and make sure it’s creating the state-of-the-art experience people are looking for.

Is It Worth Pursuing a Career in the VR Job Market?

At the moment, the job market is one of the most competitive, and you’ll need to be hot on your feet if you want a chance to break through and land a career here. Because the technology is so popular and new, companies are hiring the best talent because they want to get ahead.

However, on the same coin, the industry is not competitive at all because there are simply not enough people who are trained and educated enough to carry out the required jobs. So, while companies want the best, there are plenty of opportunities out there for you to get started.

What Kind of Education Do I Need?

Ideally, you’re going to need some kind of experience in a technical background, perhaps as a software designer, coder, or developer of some kind. Of course, there are now colleges and universities that offer VR-related courses. If you’re able to go to one to gain the qualification, this is one of the best steps you can take.

Of course, this will all depend on what aspect of virtual reality you’re going to be working with. If you want to design headsets, you’ll need experience with product designing and user experiences. No matter what you’re involved in, experience with 3D modeling and coding languages like C and C+ are essential.

How to Shine as a Candidate

VR technology is the most innovative customer-friendly technology out on the markets. And it will probably be like this for a long time. Because of this, companies are looking for individuals who are incredibly passionate about what they do and will always be looking for talent that are in this for the long haul. Companies want to grow with their teams as the industry continues to expand.

One of the best character attributes you can have is to be bold and courageous. Companies are not going to want too many people who take risks. However, you definitely need to have the ability to think outside the box and push what people will currently define as the norm.

Having unique skills and experiences can also help you to get ahead and to stand out from the crowd, but this will depend on how you present yourself. Always keep an eye on industry trends to see if you can find a relatable trend to use as your way in.

Keep on Going

As is true of any industry, you need to remember that the VR industry is also constantly changing and adapting. So, you need to be as fluid as the markets.

Keep growing, keep staying informed, and keep learning and enhancing your skills so you become the best version of yourself.


While the process of getting into the industry isn’t hard, it’s going to take some time and some perseverance. So, knuckle down, get your head in the game, and get ready to embark on a career of a lifetime at the very forefront of technology.

Guest Post
Ellie Coverdale

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