

Augmented RealityAR AppsReviews

Time Travel in Augmented Reality with the Carnegie Museum of Art

Plaster ReCast, augmented reality app, courtesy of Josh Bard and Francesca Torello

See into the past with this new augmented reality app

Have you ever wondered what the world around you would look like if it were a hundred years in the past? Well now you can find out with the Plaster ReCast app in Carnegie Museum of Art’s Hall of Architecture. Use the Plaster ReCast in the Hall of Architecture to see 3D models of buildings from the past century in augmented reality.

The Hall of Architecture houses nearly 150 historical building facades which trigger 3D reconstructions of the building that users can walk around, peer through and take pictures of. This collection of plaster copies, cast in 1906-1907 is the only remaining collection of its type in the United States.

The Plaster ReCast app was built by Carnegie Mellon University College of Architecture students Francesca Torello and Josh Bard in partnership with the museum.

The AR market has been heating up with the release of ARKit. ARKit enables developers to quickly make augmented reality apps for the iOS platform. You can expect many more AR enabled apps to be coming in 2018 as developers explore new use cases for it. Android’s ARCore toolkit enables the same functionality on Android devices though the devices that support it only make up a fraction of the android device list.

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