

AR AppsAppsAugmented Reality

Mirror, Mirror On the Smartphone: Some Of The Best Augmented Reality Beauty Apps

Mirror, mirror on the smartphone...The cosmetic industry takes advantage of augmented reality to offer the most realistic product try-out experience through dedicated apps.

The beauty industry was among the first ones to embrace augmented reality. For many people, the first augmented reality applications they remember using were those developed for hairdressers and stylists, helping customers preview the way a new haircut or color would look on them. The functions and accuracy of those early day apps were quite limited but, it being a novelty, nobody complained.

Right now, the versatility and superior capabilities of augmented reality apps make users expect more from beauty company apps. And top brands do not disappoint. They are currently competing for the title of best AR beauty apps, and the competition is tight.

Today we decided to take a look at these apps and share the very best of them.

Sephora To Go

Launched back in 2015, before other similar apps, Sephora To Go has evolved into a complex augmented reality app allowing users to test all types of products and offering helpful tips and tutorials.

Practically, Sephora To Go offers an all-in-one beauty advice, latest trends and shopping experience in a user-friendly form. The app also offers custom content, such as the life stories and top quotes from major cosmetic company founders.

sephora augmented reality app
Image Source:

Download:  iTunes  / Google Play


Makeup Genius

Every woman can become a top expert in doing her makeup, this is the bet L’Oreal cosmetic company made with its app. And it is a winning bet, at least as far as the accuracy of face rendering and AR simulation. The Makeup Genius app was developed with a patented tracking system, able to capture 64 facial pointers and over 100 facial expressions. It can also capture head movements up to a 60-degree angle. This level of complexity allows users to create the most realistic rendering of virtually applying each product.

See Also:  The Mobile Web Now Has Augmented Reality Ads...Winter is Coming

Download: iTunes / Google Play


MakeUp by ModiFace

ModiFace is an app used in many beauty stores, with visible results – a reported 31% increase for in-store purchases. However, this app is also available for personal use, its top feature being the ability to test a certain look (hairstyle, makeup) seen in magazines or on runway models.

ModiFace is capable of many simulations, from hair color and style to the use of anti-aging products. It is available both for Android and Apple phones.

makeup by modiface augmented reality app
Image Source: Google Play

Download: iTunes / Google Play


Get The Look

British-based cosmetic company Rimmel used its motto for the name of its beauty app. Get The Look does exactly what it says: by snapping a photo of someone wearing certain makeup, users can identify similar products and try the respective look on themselves.

The app works with great accuracy for snapping photos of actual people, as well as video or photo ads.

rimmel get the look augmented reality app
Image Source: iTunes

Download: iTunes / Google Play



This app is approaching 3 million downloads in Google Play and is one of the most complex beauty apps available. Independent of a specific brand, YouCam creates realistic makeovers for hair and eyebrows, as well as offers access to a wide range of cosmetic products to try on and buy.

See Also:  NBA's ARKit Basketball Game Takes the Court

Download: iTunes / Google Play


Have you heard of, or used, any augmented reality beauty app that you really liked? Maybe you are building one? We’d love to hear about them so send us a tip!

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