Very soon, we will stop calling AR/VR technology new tech and consider it a regular part of daily business operations. This is the key finding of a recent in-depth study conducted by Capgemini Research Institute. The world-leading research company surveyed over 700 companies – located in the USA, China, Germany, the UK, France, and Nordic countries- the majority of whom are already experimenting with or using AR/VR technology in their operations. The findings of the report are also based on the analysis of 35 use cases focusing on:
- The way AR/VR technology is used in industrial operations: product design, engineering, and field services;
- Key industry sectors that use AR/VR: automotive, utilities, and manufacturing.
AR/VR Technology Set to Become Mainstream in The Near Future
One of the key questions respondents were asked was: “When will AR/VR become mainstream in your organization?” The answers indicate a definite move towards a near-future adoption.
For augmented reality, the respondents stated:
- 7% less than 1 year
- 41% 1-3 years
- 37% 3-5 years
- 14% more than 5 years.
For virtual reality, the potential timeframe for mainstream adoption is:
- 9% less than 1 year
- 34% 1-3 years
- 38% 3-5 years
- 16% more than 5 years.

Source: Capgemini Research Institute, Augmented and Virtual Reality Survey; May-June 2018, N=603 organizations that are exploring and implementing Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
Thus, an average 46% of the respondents believe that AR/VR technology will become mainstream within the next 3 years, while 53% see this deadline pushed forward towards 5 years.
Augmented Reality – More Beneficial and Relevant than Virtual Reality
Thus, the survey found that among the companies that have already adopted AR/VR technology to a certain level:
- 45% of them implemented AR in their operations;
- 55% are currently experimenting with AR.
In contrast, the adoption rate for VR is significantly focused on experimenting (64%) compared to actual implementation (36%).
US, China, and France Lead the AR/VR Technology Adoption Race
When it comes to the countries with the highest adoption rate of AR/VR technology, the largest and most developed economies are in the lead.
AR implementations are led by:
- 59% USA
- 51% China
- 48% France
However, the countries with the most intense AR experimentation efforts are Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland) – 85%, followed by the UK with 64% and Germany with 62%.
Virtual reality adopters are:
- 51% China
- 43% France
- 42% USA
When it comes to VR experimentation, the undisputed leaders are:
- 77% Germany
- 72% Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland)
- 67% UK
Key Business Operations Benefiting Most from AR/VR Technology
Focusing on the actual benefits of immersive technologies for their daily operations, the survey respondents indicated two large activity sectors:
- Repair and maintenance
- Design and assembly
For repair and maintenance, the key perceived benefits are:
- 31% – ability to visualize reference videos and instruction manuals;
- 30% – ability to be guided by a remote expert;
- 30% – ability to visualize specific components and functions hidden from sight by physical barriers;
- 29% – ability to superimpose step-by-step instructions.
For design and assembly activities, AR/VR technology will provide benefits in terms of:
- 28% – simulation of product performances in extreme conditions;
- 28% – visualizing a large infrastructure project from various angles;
- 27% – displaying digital instructions for assembly and configuration;
- 26% – holographic overlay of design components onto an existing item.
Early Adopters Already Perceive Significant Benefits
The companies included in the Capgemini study that have already implemented AR/VR technology are reaping the benefits. According to the decision-makers within the companies, the use of immersive technologies allowed the organizations to increase efficiency, safety, and productivity, and reduce complexity.

Source: Capgemini Research Institute, Augmented and Virtual Reality Survey; May-June 2018, N=603 organizations that are exploring and implementing Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality; N=134 Early Achievers
Steps Needed to Adopt Immersive Technologies
- Step 1: upskill existing staff and recruit new employees with AR/VR skills;
- Step 2: develop a centralized governance structure, where all AR/VR activities are coordinated by a specialized team, and build AR/VR awareness among employees;
- Step 3: focus on identifying an adequate use case with long-term benefits,
- Step 4: update and prepare the technology interface to support and integrate AR/VR technology.