Technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace. In the blink of an eye, it can change the way we operate daily. A sector that has already experienced a drastic shift is the remote work sector. Most remote workers must go through a training process. New technologies, such as augmented reality training, have helped ease the transition.
What Is Augmented Reality?
The most common misconception about augmented reality is that its primary beneficiary is the gaming industry. Although a surge in virtual reality gaming has been apparent in recent times, these two technologies are quite different in how they are applied.
Essentially, augmented reality deals with bringing virtual content into your real-world environment. Before dissecting the impact that this technology could have on remote work training, we must first fully grasp AR via a proper example.
Say you are online shopping for furniture. Naturally, you would envision how the furniture would fit into your real-world environment. However, with augmented reality, you can obtain a clear image of how a specific couch would fit your living room.
By using the appropriate technology, your camera takes in your surroundings and digitally integrates the desired object. This highly beneficial technology can potentially impact multiple sectors, namely the healthcare, customer service, and industrial sectors.
How AR Works for Business Training
Augmented reality training can save companies time, money, and reputation. Regardless of sector, training individuals is a necessary step in the onboarding process. No matter how experienced or knowledgeable individuals may be, there will be hiccups along the way as the individual adjusts to a new environment. One way to reduce the impact of costly errors is to train staff with AR.
Take the industrial industry, for example. Even slight errors on real objects can prove costly. By practicing on digital machinery, companies can save money while employees build confidence by not being burdened with the cost of a mistake. This is certainly not the only way in which companies can implement augmented reality training.
AR Drastically Limits Errors
Concerning the previous example, augmented reality can facilitate the process when an individual is working on expensive machinery. Thanks to AR training, a superior can be with the individual every step of the way. This is an excellent way to offer struggling workers some much-needed guidance.
With augmented reality, it is possible to share a digital environment with others remotely. The industry has dubbed this as “see what I see.” This real-time transfer of imagery further adds to the walkthrough process of employees in training. This remote support is incredibly valuable to both the workforce and the company.
By investing in AR remote work, the company will profit from highly trained employees, all while keeping their client satisfaction at a maximum. Client satisfaction will remain sky high due to the elimination of real-time errors. There is no need to risk the company’s reputation through the training of new employees.
Maximizing Profits and Time With AR
Speaking of profits, companies can further maximize profits thanks to the low cost of implementing augmented reality remote work. Contrary to popular belief, the cost is quite low. This is mostly due to the widely available tools at our disposal. Most individuals already own devices that are AR-compatible.
Thanks to our modern society, most individuals own a cell phone, laptop, or home desktop computer. These readily available devices further add to the convenience of AR remote work training. In certain cases, companies will wish to pursue more advanced devices such as augmented reality headsets. Ultimately it is up to the company’s discretion.
Due to the remote nature of the context, we understand that augmented reality training breaks down geography boundaries. Companies can train employees from around the world with little to no change in the onboarding process. This adds depth to the pool of available candidates. However, AR training also makes it possible to train multiple individuals at once.
Certain programs offer the option to train large groups at once, further cutting down on operation costs and saving valuable time. There’s no denying that this strategy can be slightly more chaotic; however, its effectiveness does not waver. The number of trainees can fluctuate from 10 to 100 all the way up to 3000. With a host giving directions and leading the training, learning is as simple as following one individual.
Is AR the Next Step for Your Remote Training?
Augmented reality can also be applied to enhance the work environment of established employees. The aim in question focuses on collaboration instead of training; however, it remains just as rewarding. Many of the aspects that make AR training great transfer over to making collaboration great. It breaks down the boundaries of location. Individuals can collaborate on the same project in the comfort of their respective homes.
Collaboration Made Easy
AR makes designing and developing a breeze. A team of computer technicians can now practice building a PC via augmented reality. The group can collaborate on a digital prototype before implementing its strategy on the real deal.
Furthermore, clients and sellers can collaborate remotely, as well. This was touched upon briefly in the intro; however, augmented reality can assist in elevating client and seller relations. It has the power to do so by replacing the need to imagine things.
Long gone are the days when a customer must envision the way a new pair of shoes would look. Augmented reality can practically place the shoe on your foot. This will lead to much less consumer regret and fewer returns.
Augmented reality is symbolic of how advanced technology can improve our lives. We must adapt just as quickly as technology advances. The sooner we implement augmented reality into our work atmosphere, the faster companies and employees can reap the rewards.
When computers replaced paper as a way of doing business, it was hard not to be skeptical. Today we have the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and cast that skepticism aside by embracing new technology.
Guest PostAbout the Guest Author(s)

Lorne Fade
Lorne Fade is the co-founder of a leading immersive technology startup VR Vision Inc, where he leads a team of creatives and developers who are crafting the future of virtual and augmented reality solutions for business.