

AR AppsApplicationAugmented Reality

Augmented Reality Apps for Real-Life Practical Skills

Augmented reality apps can be used to develop practical skills that improve day-to-day living.


The use of augmented reality in education has been steadily increasing in the past few years. For one, AR enhances classroom learning by using more dynamic methods of teaching. For another, it promotes a wider understanding of topics by helping students visualize abstract concepts. However, its potential goes beyond the classroom setting. Augmented reality apps are tools to encourage more people to learn practical skills that can be used in the workplace or in daily living.

Use of AR in the Workplace

In the past few years, AR has been making breakthroughs in various industries including manufacturing, construction, architecture, medicine, warehouse operations, and retail. Augmented reality applications increase work productivity and bridge skills gaps.

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Today, the AEC industry uses AR glasses for on-site assessments, safety inspection, equipment monitoring, and other processes. In manufacturing, service technicians wear AR technology to identify problems, plot out solutions, and make appropriate adjustments. Moreover, AR is also used in skills training including the safe handling of various equipment. In medicine, this technology has been improving the quality of healthcare. For instance, surgical teams use AR to identify possible complications during high-risk procedures so they can be avoided. It’s also widely used now to guide medical teams during surgical operations.

Aside from these, augmented reality provides invaluable safety training in various industries. Augmented reality apps simulate different emergency situations such as jet engine failure, oil well blowouts, gas leaks, fires, and earthquakes.

Augmented Reality Apps for Practical Life Skills

As AR equipment becomes more available and affordable to the general public, its practical uses for the common folk are also becoming more evident. Here are some AR apps that were developed to help teach practical skills we can use in daily living. Most of these are already available for download while some are still in their funding stages.

  • Pattarina – Sewing projects become easier even for the newbies as Pattarina makes pattern-making easier. Hold your phone over the fabric and guides appear to help you transfer lines onto it.
Pattarina AR apps for practical skills
  • i-Mechanic – This AR app turns anyone into a mechanic. Learn ordinary car maintenance such as checking oil levels, changing tires, refilling engine coolants, and activating dead batteries.
  • How a Car Works – Learn about how cars and engines work using this interactive workshop assistant.
  • SketchAR – Learn how to draw portraits, anime, hieroglyphs, and almost everything else. This app uses AR to enable you to trace virtual images from your phone.
  • Mondly AR – Develop verbal skills and people skills by learning new languages and practicing real-life conversations with your very own virtual language learning assistant.
mondlyAR augmented reality app
  • X Drum 3D AR – Learn how to play the drums without the bulky drum set. This app projects a virtual drum set into your room and enables you to play various beats.

Breaking Through Into the Real World

Indeed, the use of augmented reality by the general public has gone beyond classroom learning and entertainment. We are discovering more and more real-world applications of AR technology that show the huge potential of AR use in day-to-day living. As new developments emerge, we can expect AR to be seamlessly integrated into every aspect of life in the near future.

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Gergana Mileva
the authorGergana Mileva
Based in Prague, CZ, Geri is a freelance journalist and writer, focusing on technology, finance, and marketing. If you have a story suggestion for Geri, you may contact her here.