

VR AppsVirtual Reality

The Best Oculus Rift Apps Outside Gaming

Discover the best Oculus Rift apps which are not created for the gaming industry.


The Oculus Rift seems to be the ideal device for VR games, but its applications and use exceed this restrictive environment. Virtual reality is a technology which will boost various fields of human interest: science, industry, education, healthcare, etc, and, as new uses are discovered for the technology itself, developers will come up with various apps which merge virtual reality with practical applications.

Many Oculus Rift apps now available in the Oculus store have nothing to do with gaming. They are focused on enhancing human experiences, such as taking a plunge in the past, or looking far beyond the moon and the stars, into deep space. As we are speaking, there are probably dozens of new useful virtual reality apps under development, which will allow us to experience the most hidden and unfamiliar parts of the natural world with the help of VR goggles and headsets.

But we will not spend time speculating on this topic – instead, we will share with you the best Oculus Rift apps you should try if you want to experience virtual reality outside the gaming environment (and if you are still interested only in games, here are some of the best Oculus Rift apps for you) .

See Also:  Virtual Reality Applications Outside the Gaming World

Oculus Video

If you love YouTube, you are going to love Oculus Video app too. Just sit back, relax and enjoy VR videos via the official video app from Oculus. You can watch Vimeo, Twitch, Facebook 360 videos, even your own movie files. What’s even more interesting is the fact that you pick from multiple different VR theater environments, such as: in a home theater, on a phone in the forest, and even the surface of the moon.


Price: Free

Download Oculus Video here.

Google Earth VR

The first desktop version of Google Earth was extremely exciting for everyone who loves travel and exploration. Here was a simple but powerful tool for looking around anywhere on this planet, moving from city to city, down each street and up every mountain.

Google Earth VR makes things even more exciting: the sensation of being there, in each location you wish, is extremely realistic. It is the next best thing to actually traveling to a certain city or natural area and exploring it at your leisure.

Price: Free

Download this Oculus Rift app here.

Facebook Spaces

As you may know, Oculus Rift was purchased by Facebook last year. It is not a chance purchase, or simply the desire to increase their investments portfolio. The Facebook Team actually put the VR technology to work and came up with a virtual social media platform.

See Also:  Virtual Reality Apps and Children: The Pros and Cons

Facebook Places is one of the best Oculus Rift apps for simulating a virtual life. By creating an avatar, you can meet other friends’ avatars, share live streaming sessions, mix up your virtual life with the real one through photos and videos and much more. If Half Life or The Sims are too complex for your taste, Facebook Places will surely answer your need to explore a virtual existence.

Price: Free

Download it here.

Nature Treks VR

We all have those days when we get back home completely exhausted and wish we could escape somewhere, far, far away from everyone. With one of the Oculus Rift apps called Nature Treks VR, you can actually do this. One of the best VR apps for meditation, Nature Treks offers its users 10 relaxing locations to pick from and experience peace and quiet.

You are in control in all aspects: time of the day, weather conditions, etc. There is also lots of virtual and friendly wildlife to discover and interact with.

Price: $9.99

Download Nature Treks VR here.

The Body VR

What is going on inside us? It is a mystery. The human body is a small universe, and each of us is surely curious to explore it. And right now you can do that safely and easily thanks to one of the Oculus Rift apps, The Body. This VR app puts you in a virtual capsule traveling through the bloodstream and allows you to go to any area, from the brain to the stomach and even inside the heart, and watch how each organ functions.

See Also:  New Augmented Reality Development Platform Mirra

Price: Free

Download the app here.

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