The creation of 3D/ VR spaces and objects for a wide range of purposes is fully achievable using the open source platform MARK.SPACE. It is possible to launch these objects and spaces quickly, giving users the potential to integrate them into an ecosystem that is unique. The whole platform is driven by a crypto economy as well as the blockchain while MARK.SPACE also supports all internet browsers with a preference for Chrome. Along with this, it is also compatible with CardBoard, Oculus and HTC Vive making it a virtual reality technology project that will change the way in which we communicate.

Essentially, MARK.SPACE is an eco-system that brings users from across the globe together, making it possible to communicate in an economic and social way. They will have the ability to consume goods and services as well as create new content through the platforms and spaces that have been created by other users within the eco-system. The virtual reality technology brings together technologies that are progressive such as AR/VR, blockchain and
How does it work?
In order to create a modern and futuristic VR store, community or alternative space for entertainment or business, all that is required, is a desktop PC. The MARK.SPACE eco-system consist of a large number of VR spaces that are known as units and these units can be linked to its own top-level domain. All transactions with units, which are required to create, sell or rent, are recorded on the blockchain and that guarantees that units become privately owned. Using smart contracts, owners can then sell, buy or rent their units to others.
MARK.SPACE has its own internal currency which is known as the MARK token (MRK). This makes it possible for users to sell and purchase VR units and objects, use services, pay salaries to employees and buy ads in order to promote their services or business – all of which can be done through the platform.
What are the benefits?
Social obstacles are removed by the Platform
The platform makes it so simple to carry out long-distance communication because it removes any challenges that may exist between the objective and virtual realities. It brings the real world into a virtual reality world where you can express yourself and find new friends, enabling you to be in any place at any time.
It creates new business opportunities

Through the use of VR and 3D technologies, it makes it possible to create new opportunities for retailers, investors and developers due to the way in which they can reach out and communicate in a unique way.
It is an advanced technology
The latest VR and blockchain technologies underpin the platform and this makes it possible for it to change the way in which people live their lives.
The platform is unique

There is no platform that comes close to offering what MARK.SPACE offers. Its context and realization makes it different, all of which is created through its vision and mission.
MARK.SPACE is unique and is changing the way in which we approach communication. It alters the way in which we work and collaborate across the globe and currently, there is nothing that comes close to it, which means that it can certainly set the standard for others to follow when the time comes.